Pairing of round 5, at 7:30 of 17/08/2022

Bo.FedWhite PlayerPtsNWResultNBPtsBlack PlayerFed
1ENG Chris Evans (3)4 1 - 02(3.5) Tony ShawENG
2ENG Eric Horwill (2.5)3 1 - 06(2.5) Richard WilkinsonENG
3ENG Colin Woodall (1.5)10 ½ - ½12(2) Ben DoranENG
4ENG Tony Taylor (1)11 0 - 17(2) Chris CoxENG
5ENG Josh Greaves (0.5)14 ½ - ½9(1.5) Dan JonesENG
6ENG Julie Wilson (2.5)1 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
7ENG John Foxall (3)5 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
8ENG Steve Alcock (2)8 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
9ENG Reece Cottam (1.5)13 ½ 0(0)( half point bye )
10ENG Tom Luxton (1)15 0 0(0)( not paired )
11ENG Mahesh Bava (1)16 0 0(0)( not paired )